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Every Sunday from 9:30am-11:30 am 
Craft Chug 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Coffee Morning
Coffee and chatting the morning away. Date and Venues vary so check out our Facebook page or subscribe here to get notices of where we are for that month!!
Monthly Lecture
Various months through the year have a different lecture..
Art Class


Thanks to our wonderful teacher Rachelle, we have worked with pastels, charcoal, water, acrylic, and oil paints.  We are encouraged to be individual in our projects.  Each of us has our own strengths which can be shown in the variety of types of paintings we do.  We have all been busy working toward our next exhibition, where we will display our work with pride.  New members are always welcome...if interested please contact 

Craft Chug

At ESOA's inception in 2009, a craft chug was formed.  It was decided to not only create & enjoy various crafting projects but to have projects that could be of benefit to the community as well.   We have knitted about 3,000 winter hats for our soliders.  We have also created blankets/afghans for Holocaust survivors and the children of Orr Shalom, baby clothes for premature babies and layettes for gifts. We are now once again knitting for our soldiers and if there are any members of ESOA who would like to join our group they are more than welcome. If you don’t know how to knit or crochet there are dedicated members who will be very happy to teach you! How easy is it to join? Just send an email to






Ongoing events

English Speakers of Ashkelon created with

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